A university in Venezuela is using a novel method to take books into remote communities and encourage people to read. The Bibliomula Project is a proposal of Valle del Momboy University (UVM). This project seeks the improvement of the educational system through the promotion of reading and writing in the rural schools of Rincón, the Liceo Fray Ramos de Lora and the Don Bosco Foundation.
The idea of loading mules with books and taking them into the mountain villages was started by the University of Momboy, a small institution that prides itself on its community-based initiatives and on doing far more than universities in Venezuela are required to do by law.
"Bibilomu-u-u-u-las," the children shout as the bags of books are unstrapped from the two mules, Chiquito and Cenizo. They dive in eagerly, keen to grab the best titles and within minutes are being read to by Christina and Juana, two of the project leaders.
"Spreading the joy of reading is our main aim," says Christina Vieras.
"But it's more than that. We're helping educate people about other important things like the environment. All the children are planting trees. Anything to improve the quality of life and connect these communities."
This four-legged mobile library is not just keeping this place alive but making it thrive.
Contributed by: Maria Salgado https://kristawelz.wixsite.com/literacyheroes/forum-1/south-america-1/mule-libraries-in-venezuela